
Ultimate Guide to SQE2 Prep: Courses and Self-Assessments

Embarking on the journey to becoming a solicitor in England and Wales is an exciting and challenging adventure. The Solicitors Qualifying Examination (SQE) is a significant part of this process, and the second stage, SQE2, is particularly crucial. This comprehensive guide is designed to help you navigate the preparation for SQE2, offering insights into courses and self-assessments to ensure you are fully equipped to succeed.

Understanding SQE2

What is SQE2?

SQE2, or the Solicitors Qualifying Examination Part 2, is the second and final part of the assessment for aspiring solicitors. Unlike SQE1, which focuses on legal knowledge, SQE2 assesses practical legal skills. It consists of oral and written tasks designed to evaluate candidates’ abilities in client interviewing, advocacy, legal research, legal writing, and drafting.

Importance of SQE2 in Legal Profession

SQE2 is a pivotal step in the qualification process. It ensures that all aspiring solicitors possess the necessary practical skills to perform effectively in the legal profession. Passing SQE2 demonstrates that you can apply your legal knowledge in real-world scenarios, a crucial aspect of a solicitor’s role.

Components of SQE2

SQE2 is divided into two main components: written and oral assessments. The written tasks include legal research, legal writing, and drafting. The oral tasks involve client interviewing and advocacy. Each component is designed to test different practical skills that are essential for a solicitor.

Preparation Strategies for SQE2

Why Preparation is Crucial

Preparing for SQE2 is essential because of its comprehensive and practical nature. Unlike traditional exams, SQE2 requires you to demonstrate your ability to perform tasks you will encounter in legal practice. Proper preparation ensures that you are not only familiar with the types of tasks but also proficient in executing them.

Overview of Preparation Strategies

Effective preparation for SQE2 involves a combination of formal courses, self-assessment, and consistent practice. Understanding the structure of the exam and the skills assessed can help you create a focused and efficient study plan.

Choosing the Right Course

Online vs. In-Person Courses

When it comes to choosing a preparation course, you have two primary options: online and in-person. Online courses offer flexibility, allowing you to study at your own pace and on your schedule. In-person courses provide a more structured environment with direct interaction with instructors and peers. The choice depends on your learning style and personal preferences.

Top SQE2 Preparation Courses

Several reputable providers offer SQE2 Preparation Course. These courses vary in duration, format, and cost. Some of the top providers include BARBRI, The University of Law, and QLTS School. Each provider offers unique features, so it’s essential to research and choose the one that best fits your needs.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Course

When selecting a course, consider factors such as the course content, teaching methodology, instructor experience, and student support services. Additionally, look for courses that offer mock exams and feedback, as these are invaluable in your preparation. For instance, the SQE2 Live 1:1 Mock provided by FQPS offer tailored mock exams that can help simulate the actual exam environment and provide constructive feedback.

Self-Assessment Techniques

Importance of Self-Assessment

Self-assessment is a critical component of SQE2 preparation. It allows you to evaluate your progress, identify areas of weakness, and adjust your study plan accordingly. Regular self-assessment helps ensure that you are continually improving and staying on track.

Self-Assessment Tools and Resources

Several tools and resources can aid in self-assessment. These include practice tests, past exam papers, and online platforms that offer simulated SQE2 tasks. Utilizing these resources can give you a clear understanding of the exam format and the types of questions you will encounter. The SQE2 Self Assessment Mocks are particularly helpful, providing a range of practice scenarios to test your skills.

Balancing Courses and Self-Assessment

Balancing formal courses with self-assessment is key to effective preparation. While courses provide structured learning and expert guidance, self-assessment allows for personalized evaluation and practice. Incorporate both elements into your study plan to maximize your chances of success.

Study Plan for SQE2

Creating a Study Schedule

A well-structured study schedule is vital for efficient preparation. Start by identifying the exam date and working backward to allocate time for each topic and task. Ensure that your schedule includes time for both formal study sessions and self-assessment.

Effective Study Techniques

Different study techniques can enhance your preparation. Active learning methods, such as practice tasks and role-playing, are particularly effective for SQE2. Additionally, techniques like mind mapping, summarizing, and teaching the material to someone else can help reinforce your understanding.

Time Management Tips

Time management is crucial during your preparation. Break down your study sessions into manageable chunks and take regular breaks to avoid burnout. Prioritize tasks based on their importance and difficulty, and stay flexible to adjust your schedule as needed.

Mock Exams and Practice Tests

Role of Mock Exams in Preparation

Mock exams are an invaluable tool in your SQE2 preparation. They simulate the actual exam environment, allowing you to practice under timed conditions. This helps build your confidence and improves your time management skills.

How to Utilize Practice Tests Effectively

To make the most of practice tests, take them under exam-like conditions. After completing each test, review your answers carefully to identify mistakes and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to guide your future study sessions.

Review and Feedback

Regular review and feedback are essential for continuous improvement. Seek feedback from instructors, peers, or mentors on your practice tasks. Constructive feedback helps you understand your strengths and weaknesses, enabling you to focus your efforts where they are needed most.

Dealing with Exam Anxiety

Understanding Exam Anxiety

Exam anxiety is a common issue that can affect your performance. It’s characterized by feelings of worry, nervousness, and fear before or during an exam. Understanding the causes and symptoms of exam anxiety can help you manage it effectively.

Tips to Manage Stress and Anxiety

Several strategies can help you manage stress and anxiety. These include relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, and visualization. Regular exercise, a healthy diet, and adequate sleep also play a crucial role in maintaining your overall well-being.

Maintaining a Positive Mindset

A positive mindset is essential for success. Focus on your progress and accomplishments rather than dwelling on setbacks. Surround yourself with supportive people who encourage and motivate you. Positive self-talk and visualization of success can also boost your confidence.

On the Day of the Exam

Last-Minute Preparation

On the day of the exam, avoid any last-minute cramming. Instead, focus on relaxing and mentally preparing yourself. Review your notes briefly, but don’t try to learn new material. Ensure you have all necessary materials ready and arrive at the exam venue early.

What to Expect on Exam Day

Knowing what to expect on exam day can help reduce anxiety. Familiarize yourself with the exam venue and format. During the exam, read each task carefully and manage your time effectively. Stay calm and focused, and remember to take deep breaths if you start feeling anxious.


Preparing for SQE2 is a challenging but rewarding journey. By choosing the right course, utilizing self-assessment techniques, and following a structured study plan, you can enhance your chances of success. Remember to manage your time effectively, practice regularly, and maintain a positive mindset. With dedication and perseverance, you will be well-prepared to excel in SQE2 and take a significant step towards becoming a qualified solicitor.


How long should I study for SQE2?

The amount of study time required for SQE2 varies depending on your background and experience. However, most candidates benefit from at least three to six months of dedicated preparation.

Can I pass SQE2 without taking a preparation course?

While it’s possible to pass SQE2 without a formal course, taking a course can provide structured learning, expert guidance, and valuable resources that can significantly enhance your preparation.

How many times can I take SQE2?

You can attempt SQE2 up to three times within a six-year period. If you do not pass within these attempts, you will need to wait for the expiration of this period to retake the exam.

What are the main skills assessed in SQE2?

SQE2 assesses practical legal skills, including client interviewing, advocacy, legal research, legal writing, and drafting.

Are there any prerequisites for taking SQE2?

Yes, you must pass SQE1 before you can sit for SQE2. Additionally, you must have completed the required Qualifying Work Experience (QWE) before qualifying as a solicitor.

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